About Me

My photo
Adelaide, Australia
21 years young. Marketing & Accounting student at the University of Adelaide. YAC member for Campbelltown Council SA. Passionate about social media. Working full time as an accountant. Dreaming of NYC. Follow me on Twitter @cassie_deconno

Saturday, 30 July 2011

Let me introduce myself...

A blog all about ME, started as part of my University studies. This blog will help create and promote my personal brand. 
A few things about me;
- I buy completely impractical accessories, especially handbags and rings.
- I'm highly organised 
- I will never forget a birthday
- I take photos of good food in a restaurant before eating it
- I believe brunch is the greatest meal of the day.
- The TV show FRIENDS will always make me laugh
- I can see myself visiting New York City and never leaving.