About Me

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Adelaide, Australia
21 years young. Marketing & Accounting student at the University of Adelaide. YAC member for Campbelltown Council SA. Passionate about social media. Working full time as an accountant. Dreaming of NYC. Follow me on Twitter @cassie_deconno

Monday, 26 March 2012

Baby, Baby, Baby

I may have come down with Beiber Fever yet again over the past few days. My Twitter feed has been dominated with Justin Beiber RT'ing hundreds of fans and their excitement regarding the release of his latest single, Boyfriend. Now I adore JB but I normally don't get caught up in the hype of music releases, I listen to the radio and that's how I hear new music. But from the hashtag trends of #20days counting down to the last #48hours I was hooked. I looked up the 15 seconds of the song he leaked on Ellen, I joined in the countdown. The hype around this release was massive, and that's just on Twitter alone. There was a worldwide trend just about everyday, counting down from #20days. Today alone I saw from #12hours all the way down to #2minutes trending just waiting for iTunes to release Boyfriend. I also saw iTunes trending when there was a slight delay with the release. The power of Beliebers. 
I swear this blog has a point apart from Justin Beiber, and that point is hype
I get caught up in just about everything, regardless of what it is. My friend Marie & I lined up for the iPhone 4 outside Optus in the city all because of hype. We were walking home from Uni, saw 4 people lining up and we just couldn't stop staring. We got ourselves so hyped up that we could be lining up for the iPhone that we went home, prepared ourselves, and we're in the top 20 of people lining up. Hype.
My sister bought JB's latest single as soon as she got home, just so we could listen and join in on the hype. 
Basically, if something has a clever marketing campaign or simply gets enough hype I'll be first in line for it. I don't know if that is a good or bad thing. Have you ever been caught up in the hype of something?

Sunday, 25 March 2012

How not to blog & addictions revisited

I've done the one thing I swore I would never do, neglect my blog, after finishing the course that started it all. It took a shameful amount of time trying to log back into my blogspot account this evening which is never a good sign. But despite neglecting this blog I have actually maintained my love (or as my friend's describe it, addiction) to all things social media related. 
Twitter, Facebook, Foursquare, Klout, Google+, Instagram, Pinterest, you name it, I have an account. Personally, I find Twitter to be my most used tool on a daily basis, from being the first thing I check in the morning to the last thing I do before I go to sleep. Obsessive, yes. But it does come with its rewards, last Thursday I RT'd (retweeted) a tweet from MenzFruChocs, and because I was one of the first 10 they are sending me a free pack of mini Fru Chocs! My other love would have to be Instagram. I simply adore looking at gorgeous photos taken all over the world right in the palm of my hand. This month I'm also participating in #marchphotoaday. Quite self explanatory, every day is a different photo based on a particular theme. It is quite broad terms, like 5pm, breakfast, kitchen sink, window, fork, neighbour. But the thing I find most fascinating is the different images people take for each day. It has been quite successful, every day I've received at least one like on my latest photo, often from other participants from all over the globe. 
So I promise to try to blog on a more frequent basis, I swear I think of potential blog posts all the time, I just never get around to actually writing & posting them.